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July 5, 2021 - Let's talk about the new social media platform GETTR. See how CBN does? Pushes you to the BEAST. What a farce! Let's talk about what we're looking at...

When I began this show I was doing it in a tone to kind of blow out what CBN is doing by declaring that its Trump Social Media when the main stream media tried to declare that it's only Trump's Team. However, after investigating things LIVE, I realize it's much more sinister than that. This is evil and wicked. They are after the Bride. I am fully convinced. TO GET HER - GETTR. You can't make this stuff up.

Check out the final drawing from the Bride on the show:

I did a show today about this new TRUMP social media called GETTR. I'm warning you again Bride NOT TO JOIN. THIS IS A TRAP FOR THE CHURCH. The name ought to tell you - GET HER -

Showing this to other Christians who have studied logos with me and understand their symbolism we know full well what this is. The persecution to the church is being ramped up. The BEAST is luring you in. Please don't do this. The first day it was released it got hacked - which probably compromised the million people.
All I can do is warn. This is just SOME of what we discovered through this ONE logo!
THIS IS REPRESENTING THE BEAST - TRANSHUMANISM AGENDA. The Beast is holding up his platform. I pray you see.

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