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In November We Are The Bride Ministries and TreeHouse Publishers will move to their final office. We are building an office for Dr. June to work without having to rent from people. This will be our permanent place!

We are also making a prophet's quarters for guests when they visit. The Lord always blesses me for opening a place for His people when they travel. This is for people who will come for rest, prayer, deliverance and healing. This is just the beginning with what God wants to do with Garden of Eden Farm. We are believing God to pay this off - 12 acres - $90,000.

Until then, we need $6,500 to finish our building. We've already received enough from you Bride to get to this point. We have acquired:

  • Central heat and air unit
  • Bathroom things like shower, toilet, sink & lights
  • Framing supplies
  • Drywall
  • Helped to get Dennis' barn ready for storage
  • Driveway
  • Electrician is paid off (electrical company)

So now we have to pay to have:

  • Drywall installed
  • Plumber for plumbing & gas
  • Paint
  • Flooring

So, please consider giving at If you have any questions please call 731-307-2062. We hope to be moved in by Thanksgiving. We are moving after the Revival with Dr. Morris on November 8-11, 2023! #soexcited

This will help me so much for safety concerns as well. I hate working at night and leaving from town. This will be safer and less expensive in long run! We are also due to have fiber internet installed by Spring! Thank you Bride.


This is a list of what we have left: Here is timeline to each:

By September 26 we need:

$500 for insulation and vents
$1000-$1500 for plumber

Oct 1 we need:

$2700 for drywall company
$300 misc. stuff for Dennis

October 5 we need:
$600 paint

October 12 we need:
$200 shelving
$200 steps front and back

October 15 we need:
$500 flooring


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